1: Commission bids will be executed as cheaply as any other bids or reserves allow, and are carried out free of charge.
2: All bids shall be treated as offers made on the Notice and Conditions of Sale.
3: A maximum bid (exc. Premium and V.A.T) should be indicated over “Buy” or unlimited bids will not accepted.
4: In the event of identical bids, the earliest will take precedence.
5: Commission bids left by the telephone should be confirmed either by email or in writing.
6: All commission bids are left entirely at the Buyer’s risk, and neither the Auctioneers, their agents or staff will be responsible for any errors in the execution of bids howsoever caused
7: Successful commission bidders will receive an invoice detailing purchases, and giving instruction for payment and collection of goods.
8: Commision bids are subject to our full Terms and Conditions